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Inner Child Therapy

Connecting To Our True Essence

Meet the Inner Child

The Inner Child, or the Primary Archetype is our purest and truest essence of our being. As a guide and mentor, our Inner Child can show us around the deep chasms of our unconscious into the deepest areas of the collective ancestral soul. When we establish a true trust relationship with our Inner Child they can direct us towards our optimum physical and mental well-being. When we are ready, our Inner Child will take us further to explore the symbols and archetypes of the collective unconscious to develop meaning and value through our instinctual faculties.

The Inner Child workshop is where you learn the tools to begin your internal adventures, we will establish the first connection with the Inner Child and begin to demonstrate techniques in developing a trusting and fun relationship. We guide you into shamanic and regressional meditations for you to find clues and begin to integrate the relationship. We offer many tools along the journey and develop our Inner Child into a powerful soul explorer.

With attention and dedication, our Inner Child can integrate past traumas, bringing us out of unwanted behaviour patterns. We can identify energetic blockages, often the cause of low-energy, illness and disease. Working towards the wholeness of our authentic self, all aspects of life can be transformed with a wholesome practice of this transformative personal developmental therapy.

Inner Child work is a personal developmental therapy tool where you can realise an inner subjective narrative, or story which allows information through that will enable you to resolve, integrate, align your mind, body and spirit towards wholeness. The founders of psychoanalysis explained that this personal narrative contained all we needed to understand in order to heal.

Inner Child Healing

Inner Child work is a tangible and adaptive therapy technique that can be explained quite simply and developed by oneself towards unlocking these understandings, at the same time empowering ourselves to heal.

The Inner Child is part of our internal world, working with our primary developmental stages, which is recognised across many disciplines; modern day psychology, psychotherapy and ancient spiritual practices, such as those in Tibetan Buddhism and traditional Andean shamanism.

Often we carry wounds and trauma from birth and childhood with us into adulthood and these wounds play out in habit patterns, behaviours, beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve us, trapping us in repeated loops and life lessons that we continually deny ourselves the ability to be free from.

Re-establishing a connection with our inner child takes time, dedication, patience and the workshop provides the tools to be able to make contact with your inner child, initiate a relationship with them and learn the self reparenting techniques to be able to nurture and build a trust relationship, cultivating a life practice in self healing.

Inner child work is a powerful integration tool that is universal, compatible with all daily practices, enhancing healing potential without restriction or limitation. Participants from these workshops have mentioned additional insights from their current practices, expansive life improvements and profound healing towards wholeness.

Meet Your Practitioner

I continue to learn, heal and progress on my personal path and to be in service for others is embedded deep within my heart. Responding to the Calling and opportunity to share this foundational life integrative tool is greater than passion; it’s honouring my authentic core nature and life purpose.

About the Workshop

Inner Child Workshops can be conducted face to face in individual and small group settings. There is also the option of doing the workshop online. As a practitioner, I will guide you through establishing a connection with your inner child, providing transference of concepts, enabling you to receive the tools and techniques with which to continue practicing, healing by yourself.

The workshop contains written exercises and guided meditations which include rebirthing, imaginal and regressions, all held within a safe space. The workshop is tailored to meet individual circumstances and needs, paced accordingly, with time for sharing and reflecting stories and experiences.

All materials are provided and you will receive a participant booklet, access to a private online portal, which contains digital copies of the booklet, reference guides, exercises, a space for you to keep notes and upload and share documents too.

Upon completion of an Inner Child Workshop, a period of integration and practice is recommended during which support and guidance is continued. I offer follow up sessions, both online and face to face, which provide supporting feedback, suggestion of new techniques and help in continuing to integrate towards your goals.

Workshop Participant’s experiences

The workshop particularly helped me to deepen my connection towards my inner child and learn new tools to reignite the care-free/passionate side of myself, something I seldom had the chance to do during my childhood. It also provided me with new techniques to better manage my triggers.
It was lovely experience. Amy has a thorough yet gentle way to explain things and enjoyable to go through the workshop with her 🙂


The workshop allowed me to meet myself fully, create tools to remain in a safe state and see how I had created certain ways of being from my past. It allowed me to pull back the veil to the soul of who I truly am and hold that part of myself with deep love and reverence. It was truly comprehensive.


The tools and techniques in this inner child practice were very helpful and informative.
This was a great experience and Amy was very patient with me. I enjoyed the interaction and Amy is a great listener.


Testimonials from Workshop Participants

Stefanie, United States - 2024

“I had done some inner child work throughout the years. Never any formal inner child work like this workshop, just in general therapy sessions.

I learned quite a bit about each childhood stage and development. Amy’s meditations were very powerful for accessing memories and creating a safe space for that and I see how important that safe space is for helping someone access traumatic memories. 

I loved Amy’s energy and compassion and knowledge. Amy is very adept at guiding through the processes of inner child work and listening to the student and helping clarify difficult emotions.”

Sheyna, United States - 2024

“I had an amazing experience with the Inner Child Workshop. Amy is incredible and really understands the work and gives out good energy. She truly made a difference in my view of life in a good way. After the first session I already felt a difference and the more sessions I had the better I felt and connected with my inner child. I am very glad and thankful I did this workshop and definitely will be recommending it to others. This truly is a life changing experience.”

Emma, United States - 2023

“The workshop provided a space to listen to my inner child, realizing the need to allow her space to do or say the things she always wished she could have, but also reminding her she is safe now and it’s okay to not have to be in survival mode anymore.

It was very insightful. I’ve learned so much about myself and reflecting on my inner child journey.”

Adina, United States - 2023

After numerous years in therapy, discussions about the concept of the inner child consistently arose. While I acknowledged its presence, forming a genuine connection remained a challenge. Despite attempting various techniques like writing to her, sustaining a meaningful relationship with my inner child proved to be difficult.

The workshop led by Amy provided me with a wonderful sense of security and comfort. Her serene disposition created an environment that put me at ease, offering ample room and time for me to express my thoughts and stories.

The guided meditations played a significant role in facilitating a stronger connection with my inner child. They stirred something within me that I now sense is constantly accessible. These meditations fostered a deeper bond with my inner child, reducing the sense of detachment I used to feel.

Initially unsure of what to anticipate, it wasn’t until my last follow-up that I vocalized my recent state, leading me to truly comprehend the positive impact the workshop had on me. I found myself gradually forming a stronger bond with my inner child, a longing I’ve held for quite some time. I am profoundly appreciative of the opportunity this space and experience have given me.”

Rita, UK - 2023

My initial intention from the workshop was healing childhood trauma. On reflection this goal was definitely achieved as I feel at peace & light hearted, something that I had always yearned for (away from the heaviness of the trauma). I no longer feel that unsettling unease. I have established a foundational baseline that I can use to carry on further.

The workshop has deepened my healing and my desire to go further into the practitioner’s program, which I am doing. I am more certain & confident about my life & my purpose than ever before. I believe the deep healing has brought forth the parts of me that had still been stifled by past occurrences.

I really looked forward to my inner child sessions. It was great to be able to be in the comfort of my own home during the deep healing that occurred.

I never felt uncomfortable and was always given the space to think & feel what was going on. I felt safe & heard always.”

Annie, Australia - 2022

“I am now able to connect on a deeper level with my inner child and the workshop helped me put things into a better understanding and confirmation I was already on my journey with my inner child. 

I really enjoyed the workshop. Amy was so knowledgeable and had such empathy. Very patient and warm and I felt a sense of trust right from the beginning which I feel is important when sharing past experiences. The meditations were so powerful and I got a lot from them too.”

Hodaya, United States - 2022

“The online workshop was a great experience. I am very comfortable with learning and experiencing the wonderful practices that were shared, without a doubt, very powerful. As a practitioner, Amy is very gentle, soft, and patient. I felt very comfortable from the onset, finding it easier to talk about difficult and challenging things from my past. Amy creates and maintains a safe space of non-judgement, which was very supportive and I saw how much it helped my inner child too.

Smart, understanding and kind, Amy creates safety for people like me with deep trauma to feel comfortable and be vulnerable at their own pace and depths. The framework is very gentle and applicable to daily life. I took away tools and techniques to heal my heart so I don’t suffer with painful wounds anymore.

I feel like everything I lacked previously, has now been given to me in a tangible way. I am so grateful and would definitely recommend this work to everyone!”

Lizzie, UK - 2021

“I had understood the term inner child in the sense that we can all go into our child state of playfulness if we want to, but not aware of going into meditation and connecting on such a deep level. This is truly awesome.

The course exceeded any expectations that I had. I loved the meditations and being able to connect to my inner child now is such a joy. I felt guided to reparent my inner child, almost like I’m being prepared for something else.

I loved taking part in the online workshop. Amy is such a joy to work with. My inner child felt very safe during workshops.”

Trish, Canada - 2021

I had NO IDEA how deeply some parts of my childhood, specifically while in the womb and as a toddler, affected my programming. I learned so much about where my behaviour comes from. I also learned so much about my mum and my dad and my childhood that I had no idea about. I can see the differences in my brother and I now. I understand myself better. I understand how to soothe myself better.

We did our work in person and I really appreciate that. Amy creates such a safe and comforting space to do the work. As much as there’s learning, there’s working through thoughts and concepts and Amy provides the space to do that with clarity and support. It was a beautiful experience.”

Marina, UK - 2020

“The workshop has provided me with an invaluable set of tools and techniques that help me to connect with my inner child, to return to being at one with my intuition, to hear and feel my heart louder and more clearly with every day that passes! It is a beautiful and powerful practice and I could not imagine doing it with anyone else but with Amy! She is an incredibly warm and welcoming person and we connected straight away.

During the workshop, Amy was able to readily offer me options and alternatives if something didn’t quite sit right with me straight away and that was very beneficial to me. The format and the content of the workshop flowed so naturally, and each session absolutely flew by.

If your heart has led you to the workshop, listen to it!”

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